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Anthropology | Human Biology Major

Human Biology Major

Began in the fall 2020

Responding to the global need for more skilled professionals in health, social, and environmental sciences and public policy, the Department of Anthropology and the School of Biological Sciences offer a new, interdisciplinary bachelor of arts degree in human biology, designed for rigorous study in the natural and social sciences.

Graduates will be prepared for a wide variety of career options in areas of medical and health sciences, social work and support, development and analysis of public policy, and more.

The four-year human biology program, offered on the WSU Pullman and Vancouver campuses, melds approaches and content from social and biological sciences to provide students with a vibrant, synthetic understanding of the roles of culture, the dynamics of natural and social systems, and the biological attributes responsible for shaping the human being.

Find out more and apply today!
Interested students should contact a degree advisor:
• in Pullman, Dena Spencer-Curtis at
• in Vancouver, Nicole Hess at

Human Biology (WSU degree catalog)

Main Office Information:

College Hall 150
PO Box 644910
Pullman, WA 99164-4910
Phone: 509.335.3441
FAX: 509.335.3999

WSU Anthropology Undergraduate Advisor
Dena Spencer-Curtis
To schedule an appointment with Dena please use Schedule a Meeting


Vancouver, Nicole Hess at