Undergraduate Studies
Anthropology is..
The study of the human condition from a biological, cultural, social and political perspective from the earliest times to the present day with a focus on four main sub-fields: Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology and Physical Anthropology.
Courses will familiarize students with current issues in human evolution, linguistics, the prehistoric development of culture, and culture theory. Undergraduate majors are required to gain a background in all four of these major subfields.
Certifying as an Anthropology Major
A student may certify a major in anthropology after the completion of 24 semester hours, a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, and have an Anthropology Advisor. To meet with an advisor, please call Tel: 509-335-8731.
Certified majors should contact their student adviser before applying for a degree to determine semester hour requirements have been met. Students can check the progress of their degrees by viewing degree audit reports found at myWSU.
Declaring a Minor or 2nd Major
A student may petition a minor or second major after the completion of 60 semester hours and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. Please set up an appointment with the Anthropology Undergraduate Advisor to fill out all of the necessary paperwork and review your requirements.
Course Information
If you require an official course description you will find it in the WSU Catalog.
The WSU Schedule of Classes will let you know when our courses will be taught during the current semester.
Field Experience
Also, students are strongly encouraged to obtain some field experience in one of the Anthropological subdisciplines. A student can accomplish this in a number of ways:
- International Programs at WSU has several study abroad opportunities for students
- Field Schools offered through the Anthropology Department or another institution during the summer (must be approved by the department before hand)
- Take ANTH 300 (Field Methods) or ANTH 499 (Special Projects) coordinated by a faculty member
Lambda Alpha National Anthropology Honors Society
WSU hosts the Beta of Washington chapter of the National Anthropology Honors Society. Lambda Alpha supports scholarship and research by acknowledging and honoring superior achievement in the discipline among students engaged in the study of anthropology. Superior academic performance is recognized through membership in the society. Lambda Alpha rewards academic excellence through the annual awarding of student scholarships, research grants, and student paper prizes.
Minimum Requirements for Undergraduate Membership:
A B average or 3.0 GPA in anthropology and no less than a 2.5 cumulative GPA for all coursework. Must have a minimum of 12 hours of coursework in Anthropology and junior or senior standing to apply for membership.
Membership applications will be solicited during the spring semester.
Contact the chapter faculty sponsor, Dr. Rachel Horowitz, for more information.
For answers to any questions not covered in these pages please email, call or write to us:
Main Office Information:
College Hall 150
PO Box 644910
Pullman, WA 99164-4910
Phone: 509.335.3441
FAX: 509.335.3999
Undergraduate Resources
WSU Anthropology Undergraduate Advisor
Dena Spencer-Curtis
CUE 502D
To send Dena an email: dlspencer@wsu.edu
To schedule an appointment
with Dena: Schedule a Meeting
Follow us on social media
Anthropology Club
The WSU Anthropology Club offers students a series of activities designed to bring faculty and students together in informal gatherings that facilitate and expand hands on learning opportunities and foster greater Anthropological understanding.
For more information please contact one of the Anthropology Club representative listed below.
Event and Social Media Coordinator: