Undergraduate Studies: Advising Forms and Informational Links
The following list of tools is designed to help you navigate your Anthropology major or minor. Some forms not listed below are only available in the Anthropology Office or at the Registrar’s Office.
To schedule an advising appointment please reach out to the undergraduate advisor Dena Spencer-Curtis (information below).
WSU Anthropology Undergraduate Advisor
Dena Spencer-Curtis
To schedule an appointment with Dena please Schedule a Meeting
4 Year Course Schedule Planner
ANTH 499/ANTH 600-download form
Change Status to Second Bachelor’s Degree
Junior Writing Portfolio Packet
Major Requirements for a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
Student Release of Information Form
Informational Links:
For answers to any questions not covered in these pages please email, call or write to us:
Main Office Information:
College Hall 150
PO Box 644910
Pullman, WA 99164-4910
Phone: 509.335.3441
FAX: 509.335.3999
Anthropology Club
The WSU Anthropology Club offers students a series of activities designed to bring faculty and students together in informal gatherings that facilitate and expand hands-on learning opportunities and foster greater Anthropological understanding.