Phyllis and Richard Daugherty Scholarship for Undergraduate Student Excellence
Advanced anthropology undergraduate major, junior or senior at time of nomination. Based on excellence of scholarship and leadership or participation in departmental or university affairs; can be awarded only once to any student.
Phyllis and Richard Daugherty Scholarship for Graduate Student Excellence
Advanced standing in anthropology in either the M.A. or Ph.D. program at time of nomination. Based on excellence of scholarship, degree and effectiveness of professional activities, and leadership in departmental or university affairs. Can be awarded only once to any student; current or previous holders of the Scoales Scholarship or Daugherty Research Assistantship are not eligible.
Dr. Grover S. Krantz Scholarship in Anthropology
This scholarship is intended for exceptional undergraduate or graduate students majoring or intending to major in anthropology. The recipients of this scholarship shall have demonstrated interest in the fields of physical/biological anthropology, linguistic archaeology, and/or human demography.
The Ruth Minard Fund Fellowship
Awarded to an outstanding anthropology graduate student specializing in archaeology. Selection based on GRE scores, GPA, letters of recommendation, academic background, and willingness to accept commitment to complete a Ph.D. in Anthropology at WSU. This assistantship provides the opportunity for a graduate student in archaeology to work with a faculty member in the student’s area of research, on a project related to the student’s thesis or dissertation. Linked with teaching assistantship to provide half-time support for one academic year.
The Nicholas Michael Scoales Scholarship
This award provides research support for an outstanding graduate student in archaeology specializing in analysis of lithic artifacts or in western North American prehistory.
The Janet Friedman Memorial Scholarship
This award is given to an expectional graduate student specializing in Archaeology with priority going to a student interested in cultural resource management and/or pursuing a PhD.
The Oscar Lewis Award
This award is given to a graduate student (either MA or PhD) in cultural anthropology primarily for excellence in ethnographic fieldwork, either completed or proposed, devoted to an expoloration of the lives of an impoverished or otherwise disadvantaged group. Secondary consideration will be given to academic performance in classes and such scholarly productivity as publications, grants, awards, and papers presented.
The Bob Ackerman Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Archaeology
This award given to a graduate student of outstanding professional promise in archaeology, especially those students conducting research in regions encompassed by the Pacific Northwest, Alaska and Siberia.
Donald E. Crabtree Scholarship in Lithic Technology
This scholarship is given to a graduate student (MA or PhD in anthropology, geology, physiology or chemistry) to assist in their study and research of stone artifacts, the diverse technologies required, and the human behavioral element in their creation. Contact the University of Idaho’s Sociology, Anthropology and Justice Studies Department for more information.
The Harvey “Pete” Rice Memorial Scholarship
This award is given to an expectional graduate student (either MA or PhD) specializing in Archaeology with priority going to a student interested in cultural resource management in the Pacific Northwest.