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Anthropology | Program Learning Goals

Undergraduate Learning Goals and Outcomes

Goal 1: Creative and Critical Reasoning

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the broad field of anthropology and the types of questions and data used in pursuit of the goals of anthropology.
  • Formulate a reasonable question for their own
  • Select data and analytical techniques appropriate to the question being
  • Demonstrate an understanding of both subjective and objective components for different types of anthropological data, data collection, and data analysis.
  • Formulate a reasonable interpretation based on the data and analytical techniques they used.
  • Effectively consider how subjective and objective aspects of data identification, collection, and analysis may have shaped their interpretations.

Goal 2: Information and Data Gathering

  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of on-line data and its use.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the different types of traditionally published data and the strengths and weaknesses of such data.
  • Adequately cite information and ideas gathered for their research.

Goal 3: Communication Skills

  • Write a clear and concise thesis statement defining their research topic.
  • Write an adequate contextual statement for their research topic.
  • Present a clear statement of their research methods.
  • Write a well-reasoned interpretation of their analysis.
  • Write a unifying conclusion statement.

Goal 4: Intercultural Perspectives

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the character and universality of ethnocentrism.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the strengths and limitations of the concept of cultural
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the character and differences between the cultural constructs of race, gender, and ethnicity.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the time frame relevant to the development human biological and cultural diversity.

Goal 5: Knowledge of the Four Fields of Anthropology

  • Demonstrate a holistic understanding of the subfields of archaeology, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, and linguistics.
  • Demonstrate a broad understanding of human biological, cultural, and linguistic diversity though time and space.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the history of anthropology, theoretical approaches, and current issues across the four subdisciplines of anthropology.
  • Demonstrate a familiarity with anthropological literature, datasets, and methodology in at least one subdiscipline.



For answers to any questions not covered in these pages please email, call or write to us:

Main Office Information:

College Hall 150
PO Box 644910
Pullman, WA 99164-4910
Phone: 509.335.3441
FAX: 509.335.3999


Undergraduate Resources


Anthropology Club

The WSU Anthropology Club offers students a series of activities designed to bring faculty and students together in informal gatherings that facilitate and expand hands-on learning opportunities and foster greater Anthropological understanding.