Anthropology Graduate Organization News

AGO leadership has been working since August 2022 to be a greater voice for the entire Anthropology Graduate program. By working closely with the Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee (DISC), AGO leadership and DISC are working to meet graduate students’ needs, whatever they may be. Currently, the DISC Mutual Aid Fund is up and running, and DISC and AGO are brainstorming ways to replenish the fund as it is being used. Ultimately, the main goal of AGO is to improve the well-being of anthropology graduate students at WSU. Some of the ways AGO plans to do this are:

  • Keeping students informed about department activities, budgets, and deadlines
  • Planning and facilitating both professional and social events
  • Improving camaraderie between graduate students and undergraduates
  • Providing financial assistance for anthropology graduate students via the Mutual Aid Fund.

So far this year, we have planned and executed a successful BBQ at Kruegel Park. AGO and DISC have also gathered information and advocated for students regarding 1) course credit requirements, 2) altering the 3-paper dissertation requirement, and 3) graduate representation on faculty hiring committees. For the remainder of the year, we plan to host a camping trip, a cultural night, and fundraise for the Mutual Aid Fund.

AGO is open to any and all ideas and suggestions for events you would like AGO to host! If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to contact AGO president Darcy Bird or submit an anonymous suggestion in the suggestion box on the AGO website. AGO is here for you and our hope is to make your graduate experience as fun and stress-free as possible.


President: Darcy Bird

Vice President: Arpita Sinha

Treasurer: Lori Phillips

Secretary: Braidynn Harchis