Faculty Publications, Presentations, and Other Scholarly Achievements

Aaron Blackwell


NSF Cultural Anthropology BCS-1945740/1945725: Collaborative Research: Disentangling the effects of extrinsic mortality risk and energy availability on adolescent maturation. (PIs: Aaron Blackwell, Carolyn Hodges-Simeon, Angela Garcia $398,464; Start date: Sept. 15, 2020.)


Jaeggi, A*, Blackwell, AD*, von Reuden, C, Trumble, BC, Stieglitz, J, Garcia, AR, Kraft, TS, Kaplan, H, Gurven, M.

2021 Relative wealth and inequality associate with health in a small-scale subsistence society. eLife, 10:e59437. *contributed equally https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.59437

Anderson, AS, Sutherland, ML, O’Donnell, L, Hill, EC, Hunt, DR, Blackwell, AD, Gurven, MD.

2021 Do computed tomography findings agree with traditional osteological examination? The case of porous cranial lesions. International Journal of Paelopathology, 33 (2021) 209-219. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpp.2021.04.008.

DeLouize, AM, Liebert, MA, Madimenos, FC, Urlacher, SS, Schrock, JM, Cepon-Robins, TJ, Gildner, TE, Blackwell, AD, Harrington, CJ, Amir, D, Bribiescas, RG, Snodgrass, JJ, Sugiyama, LS.

2021 Low prevalence of anemia among Shuar communities of Amazonian Ecuador. American Journal of Human Biology, e23590. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajhb.23590

Blackwell, AD, Garcia, AR, Keivanfar, RL, Sarah, B.

2021 A field method for cryopreservation of whole blood from a finger prick for later analysis with flow cytometry. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 174:4 670-685. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24251

Cepon-Robins, TJ, Blackwell, AD, Gildner, TE, Liebert, MA, Urlacher, SS, Madimenos, FC, Eick, GN, Snodgrass, JJ, Sugiyama, LS.

2021 Pathogen disgust sensitivity protects against infection in a high pathogen environment. PNAS. 118 (8) e2018552118. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2018552118

Ackerman, JM, Tybur, JM, Blackwell, AD.

2020 What role does pathogen-avoidance psychology play in pandemics? Trends in Cognitive Science. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2020.11.008


Jaeggi, A, Blackwell, AD. Wealth, inequality, and health in a small-scale subsistence society. Club EvMed.

2021 https://sites.duke.edu/clubevmed/2021/01/22/wealth-inequality-health/

Blackwell, AD, Sugiyama, LS, Cepon-Robins, TJ, Gildner, TE, Liebert, MA, Urlacher, SS, Madimenos, FC, Eick, GN, Snodgrass, JJ.

2021 Socio-ecological variation in pathogen disgust and protection against infection in a high pathogen environment. International Society for Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, 2021 Virtual Meeting, July 2021.

Sugiyama, LS, Cepon-Robins, TJ, Blackwell, AD*, Gildner, TE, Liebert, MA, Urlacher, SS, Madimenos, FC, Eick, GN, Snodgrass, JJ.

2021 Pathogen disgust sensitivity protects against infection and is calibrated to local socio-ecological conditions in a high pathogen environment. Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2021 Virtual Meeting, June 2021. *LSS was not available so ADB gave this presentation.

Ackerman, J, Tybur, J, Blackwell, AD.

2021 Pandemic psychology is not simply pathogen-avoidance psychology. Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2021 Virtual Meeting, June 2021.

Schneider-Crease, I, Blackwell, AD, Kraft, TS, Thompson, ME, Maldonado Suarez, I, Cummings, DK, Stieglitz, J, Kaplan, H, Snyder-Mackler, N, Gurven, M, Trumble, BC.

2021 Eosinophilia Inhibits Cytokine Responses to Viral and Bacterial Stimulations in a Subsistence Population in Bolivia. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 2021 Virtual Meeting. April 2021. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 174, 92-93.

John Blong


2021-2022 Wenner-Gren Post PhD Research Grant for the project “Assessing sexual division of labor in the terminal Pleistocene and early Holocene Great Basin through steroid analysis of human coprolites.”


2021 Blong, JC. Lithic Landscape of the Upper Susitna River Basin, Central Alaska Range. Alaska Journal of Anthropology.

2021 Blong, JC, Shillito, L-M. Coprolite research: archaeological and paleoenvironmental potentials. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13(5):1–7.

2020 Krasinski, KE, Blong, JC. Unresolved questions about site formation, provenience, and the impact of natural processes on bone at the Bluefish Caves, Yukon Territory. Arctic Anthropology 57(1):1–21.

Blong collecting samples at geoarchaeological dig site.
Collecting Geoarchaeological Samples

Archaeological Research at the Kelly Forks Work Center Site, Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest, Idaho.

In the fall of 2021, John Blong and students from the Department of Anthropology participated in fieldwork at the Kelly Forks Work Center site in the Nez Perce–Clearwater National Forest, Idaho. The site is within the homelands of the Nez Perce Tribe, in an upland area traditionally important for late summer and early fall subsistence activities. The site contains evidence for continuous use over more than 12,000 years spanning the end of the last ice age through the historic period. The site offers an opportunity to investigate the antiquity of Nez Perce upland subsistence practices, seasonal land-use patterns, and the timing of the initial settlement of the southern Columbia Plateau. The 2021 research focused on geoarchaeological fieldwork to better understand how the site formed and the sequence of human occupation over time. This fieldwork is the start of a long-term research project at the site incorporating WSU students and members of the Nez Perce Tribe. The 2021 crew included Department of Anthropology undergraduate student Sam Neunzig, graduate students Darcy Bird, Taekyeong Kim, Tiffany Kite, Katy Leonard-Doll, and Garrett Toombs, and postdoctoral researcher Molly Carney. The anthropology team was joined by Becca Gustine, a graduate student in the WSU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Jordan Thompson, a graduate student in the University of Idaho Department of Culture, Society and Justice, and Justin Holcomb, a postdoctoral researcher at the Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas.

Julia Cassaniti

Cassaniti, J.

2021 Mindfulness or Sati? The Cultural Diversity of a Global Concept for Resilience and Mental Health. Journal of Global Buddhism, 21(1): 105-120. Part of a Special Issue on Buddhism and Resilience, Nalika Gajaweera and Darcie DeAngelo, eds.

Cassaniti, J.

2021 Up in Smoke: Cosmopolitical Ecologies and the Disappearing Spirits of The Land in the Haze Crisis of Southeast Asia. Cosmopolitical Ecologies Across Asia: Places of Power in Changing Environments. Riam Kuyakanon, Hildegard Diemberger, and David Sneath, eds. London: Routledge. pp. 62-80.

Andrew Duff

Zena, AG, Duff, AI, Melesse, A, Wolff, JA, Beldados, A, Shackley, MS

2021 New Dates for Megalithic Stele Monuments of Gedeo, South Ethiopia, Journal of African Archaeology. https://doi.org/10.1163/21915784-bja10006

Moonkham, P, Duff, AI.

2021 The Social Logic of the Temple Space: A Preliminary Spatial Analysis of Historical Buddhist Temples in Chiang Saen, Northern Thailand. International Journal of Historical Archaeology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10761-021-00627-2

Barry Hewlett

Bard, KA, Keller, H, Ross, KM, Hewlett, BS, Butler, L, Moysen, ST, and Matsuzawa, T.

2021   Joint Attention in Human and Chimpanzee Infants in Varied Socio-Ecological Contexts. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development. NY: Wiley.

Broesch, T, Carolan, P, Cebiuglu, S, von Rueden, C, Boyette, A, Moya, C, Hewlett, B, Kline, M.

2021 Learning from others: Examining “Natural Observations” of children in six societies. Human Nature Special Issue Teaching and learning in foraging and transitioning populations. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12110-021-09393

Rachel A. Horowitz

Horowitz, RA.

2021 Reducing Risk: Maya Lithic Production and Economic Diversification at Callar Creek Quarry Belize. Ancient Mesoamerica https://doi.org/10.1017/S0956536120000462

Horowitz, RA, Clarke, ME, Seligson, KE.

2021 Querying Quarries: Stone Extraction Practices and Socioeconomic Organization in Three Sub-Regions of the Maya Lowlands. Journal of Field Archaeology 46(8): 551-570.

Tim Kohler

Kohler, TA.

2021 Public Architecture and Power in Pre-Columbian North America. Methods, Mounds, and Missions: New Contributions to Florida Archaeology, edited by Ann S. Cordell and Jeffrey M. Mitchem. University of Florida Press, Gainesville.

Scheffer, M, van Nes, EH, Bird, D, Bocinsky, RK, Kohler, TA.

2021 Loss of resilience preceded transformations of pre-Hispanic Pueblo societies. PNAS Vol. 118 No. 18 e2024397118.

Tim Kohler remains active in retirement

Professor Emeritus Tim Kohler officially retired at the end of May 2021. He spent fall 2021 in Kiel, Germany, where he was a Johanna Mestorf Academy chair in prehistory at Christian-Albrechts-Universität. He is working mostly on extensions to his earlier work on wealth inequality in prehistory, supported by a recent NSF grant on which he collaborates with Amy Bogaard of Oxford University. The grant is run through the new Center for Archaeological Synthesis. He reports that autumn in Kiel is much wetter than in Pullman but not necessarily colder, even though Kiel is much farther north than Pullman.

Read about Kohler’s recent work with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in WSU Insider.

Jeannette Mageo

Jeannette Mageo and Bruce Knauft (eds).

2021       Authenticity, Authorship, and Pacific Island Encounters: New Lives of Old Imaginaries. Berghahn Press for the Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania (ASAO) monograph series.

Book Chapters

2021         American Colonial Mimicry: Cultural Identity and Being “Authentic” in Samoa. In Authenticity, Authorship, and Pacific Island Encounters, pp. 71-104.

Mageo, Jeannette and Bruce Knauft.

2021         Introduction: On Authoring and Authenticity.  In Authenticity, Authorship, and Pacific Island Encounters: New Lives of Old Imaginaries, edited by Jeannette Mageo and Bruce Knauft, pp. 1-58.  New York: Berghahn Press.

Mageo, Jeannette

 2020       “Defining New Directions in the Anthropology of Dreaming,” In New Directions in the Anthropology of Dreaming.  Jeannette Mageo and Robin Sheriff, eds., pp. 3-22.

Mageo, Jeannette

 2020       “Metaphors We Dream By: On the Nature of Dream Cognition.” In New Directions, pp. 53-71.

Mark Mansperger

Mansperger, M.

2021 Expressive Content Amidst Personal Malignment: Writing Op-Eds for the Tri-City Herald. Journal of Northwest Anthropology.

Courtney Meehan

Caffé, B, Fehrenkamp, BD, Williams, JE, Lackey, KA, Pace, RM, McGuire, MA, Blackwell, AD, McGuire, MK, Meehan, CL.

2021 Cross-cultural test of Trivers-Willard hypothesis in human milk immune factors: The INSPIRE Study. Boise State University, Northwest Evolution Ecology, and Human Behavior Symposium.

Pace RM, Williams JE, Järvinen KM, Belfort MB, Pace, CDW, Lackey KA, Gogel AC, Nguyen-Contant, P, Kanagaiah, P, Fitzgerald, T, Ferri, R, Young, B, Rosen-Carole, C, Diaz, N, Meehan, CL, Caffé, B, Sangster, MY, Topham, D, McGuire, MA, Seppo, A, McGuire, MK.

2021 Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 RNA, antibodies, and neutralizing capacity in milk produced by women with COVID-19. mBio 12:e03192-20.

Ruiz, L, Rubio, CA, García, CC, Jimenez, QE, Lackey, KA, McGuire, MK, Meehan, CL, Foster, JA, Sellen, DW, Kamau, KW, Kamundia, EW, Mbugua, S, Moore, SE, Prentice, AM, Gindola, D, Otoo, GE, Pareja, RG, Bode, L, McGuire, MA, Williams, J, Rodríguez, JM.

2021 Comparison of two approaches for the metataxonomic analysis of the human milk microbiome. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 11, 228.

McGuire, MK, Randall, AZ, Seppo, AE, Järvinen, KM, Meehan, CL, Gindola, D, Williams, JE, Sellen, DW, Kamau-Mbuthia, EW, Kamundia, EW, Mbugua, S, Moore, SE, Prentice, AM, Foster, JA, Otoo, GE, Rodríguez, JM, Pareja, RG, Bode, L, McGuire, MA and Campo, JJ.

2021 Multipathogen Analysis of IgA and IgG Antigen Specificity for Selected Pathogens in Milk Produced by Women from Diverse Geographical Regions: The INSPIRE Study. Front. Immunol. 11:614372.

Anne Pisor

Pisor, AC, Jones, JH.

2021 Do people manage climate risk through long-distance relationships? American Journal of Human Biology, 33(4), e23525. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.23525. Data and code.

Pisor, AC, Jones, JH.

2021 Human adaptation to climate change: An introduction to the special issue. American Journal of Human Biology, 33(4), e23530. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.23530

Jones, JH*, Pisor, AC*, et al.

2021 How can evolutionary and biological anthropologists engage broader audiences? American Journal of Human Biology, 33(4), e23592. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.23592 *co-first authors

Jones, JH, Ready, E, Pisor, AC.

2021 Want climate-change adaptation? Evolutionary theory can help. American Journal of Human Biology, 33(4), e23539. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.23539

Luke Premo

Lin, SC, Premo, LS.

2021 Forager mobility and lithic discard probability similarly affect the distance to raw material discard from source. American Antiquity 86:845-863.

Erin Thornton

2021 Testing for Mississippian Period Turkey Management in the Archaeological Record of the Southeastern United States

Thornton, E, Peres, T, Chase, KL, Kemp, BM, Frome, R, Manin, A, Basnett, L, McGrath, K, Speller, C, Reitz.

American Antiquity 86(4),  pp. 794–814.

Shannon Tushingham

Fulkerson, T, Tushingham, S.

2021 Geophyte Field Processing, Storage, and Women’s Decision Making in Hunter-Gatherer Societies: An Archaeological Case Study from Western North America. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.102956

Tushingham, S, Fulkerson, T.

2021 Public Archaeology Education “Of the People, For the People, By the People”: Democratized Science Communication in Theory and Practice. How Do We Reach More? Sharing Cultural and Archaeological Research with Others, J. Northwest Anthropology Special Publication 4, edited by Darby C. Stapp and Julie Longenecker, pp. 188-207. https://www.northwestanthropology.com/how-do-we-reach-more

Tushingham, S, Barton, L, Bettinger, RL.

2021 How ancestral subsistence strategies solve salmon starvation and the “protein problem” of Pacific Rim resources. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24281

Carney, M, Tushingham, S, McLaughlin, T, d’Alpoim Guedes, J.

2021 Harvesting strategies as evidence for 4,000 years of camas (Camassia quamash) management in the North American Columbia Plateau. Royal Science Open Science. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.202213

Fulkerson, T, Tushingham, S.

2021 Cultural Heritage and the Expropriation and Appropriation of Indigenous Knowledge, Materials, and Lands: Collaboration and Communication Considerations for Land-Grant Institutions. How Do We Reach More? Sharing Cultural and Archaeological Research with Others, J. Northwest Anthropology Special Publication 4, edited by Darby C. Stapp and Julie Longenecker, pp. 221-232. https://www.northwestanthropology.com/how-do-we-reach-more

Damitio, WJ, Tushingham, S, Brownstein, KJ, Gang, DR.

2021 The Evolution of Smoking and Intoxicant Plant Use in Ancient Northwestern North America. American Antiquity. https://doi.org/10.1017/aaq.2021.39

Zimmermann, M, Brownstein, KJ, Pantoja Diaz, LR, Aragón, IA, Hutson, S, Kidder, B, Tushingham, S, Gang, DR.

2021 Metabolomics-based analysis of miniature flask contents identified tobacco mixture use among the ancient Maya. Scientific Reports 11:1590. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-81158-y