Message from the Chair
Fall/Winter 2019-2020
Dear Alumni & Friends,
Welcome to the latest edition of Anthro News. Inside, you’ll find information about a wide variety of activities and achievements of WSU Anthropology faculty, staff, students, and alumni.
Anthropology at WSU continues to develop and change, with active searches under way for two new archaeologists who will start work next year, a few faculty retirements, and the implementation of the BA in Anthropology through WSU’s Global Campus.
In addition, Anthropology and the School of Biological Sciences are collaborating to offer a new BA degree in Human Biology. It is now in the final stages of accreditor approval and is part of our effort to grow our undergraduate programs and impact. We welcome you to see what our faculty and students are up to through Twitter (@wsuanthropology), Facebook, and Instagram (wsuanthropology).
The generosity of our alumni and friends helps us to welcome the William D. Lipe Visiting Scholar in Archaeological Method and Theory each year. Donations to the Anthropology Excellence Fund support bringing scholars to campus to speak in our Colloquium Series and foster activities of our Undergraduate Anthropology Club, among many other benefits. If you are interested in supporting WSU Anthropology, simply click “I Want to Give” at bottom of the navigation at left and find several options to choose from. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with me by email at
Andrew Duff, Chair