Faculty Publications & Updates

“Humans have long used culture to adapt to climate change. What we know about what has worked, and not worked, for people past and present can inform our approach in the 21st century.”

Anne Pisor, Contributing Editor of new special issue Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

WSU Anthropology faculty and graduate students publish widely on a variety of important research topics. Find a sampling of their recent and forthcoming work herein.

John Blong

2022 Lithic Landscape of the Upper Susitna River Basin, Central Alaska Range. Alaska Journal of Anthropology 20 (1&2):130–142.

2023 Middle Holocene lithic technological organization and upland land use in the upper Susitna River basin, Alaska. Lithic Technology 1-23.

Zhao, Wanyue, Helen L. Whelton, John C. Blong, Lisa-Marie Shillito, Dennis L. Jenkins and Ian D. Bull.

2023 Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as a rapid means for assessing the source of coprolites. iScience 26(6):106806.

Blong, John C., Helen L. Whelton, Eline N. van Asperen, Ian D. Bull, Lisa-Marie Shillito.

2023 Sequential biomolecular, macrofossil, and microfossil extraction from coprolites for reconstructing past behavior and environments. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution: Paleoecology 11:1–14.

Holcomb, Justin A., Aayush Srivastava, Timothy C. Kinnaird, John C. Blong.

2023 Revisiting Kelly Forks (10CW34): Current and Future Research at a Western Stemmed Tradition Occupation in the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest, Idaho. PaleoAmerica 9(1):76¬–80.


2023 Kelly Forks Work Center Site Curation. Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests (PI) $12,693.

2023 Establishing the Age of the Western Stemmed Tradition and Traditional Nimíipuu Subsistence Practices at the Kelly Forks Work Center Site, Idaho. Rust Family Foundation (PI) $7,935.

2023 Culdesac Canyon Geoarchaeological Analysis. Plateau Archaeological Investigations, LLC (PI) $2,382.

Andrew Duff

Moss, Jeremy M., Thomas C. Windes, Andrew I. Duff, William Doleman, and M. Steven Shackley

2023 A Diachronic Analysis of Obsidian Use at Chaco Canyon and the Influence of Social Factors on Obsidian Procurement. Kiva 89(3):370402. https://doi.org/10.1080/00231940.2023.2210479.

Moonkham, Piyawit, Nattasit Srinurak, and Andrew I. Duff

2023 The Heterarchical Life and Spatial Analyses of the Historical Buddhist Temples in the Chiang Saen Basin, Northern Thailand. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 70:101506. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaa.2023.101506

Samantha Fladd

Bishop, Katelyn J., Samantha G. Fladd, and Adam S. Watson 

2023 Reassessing Nearly a Century of Faunal Remains and Excavation Data from Chaco Canyon. In Pushing Boundaries: Proceedings of the 2018 Southwest Symposium, edited by Stephen Nash and Erin Baxter. University Press of Colorado, Louisville. 

Lange, Richard C., Samantha G. Fladd, and E. Charles Adams 

2023 Archaeological Surveys and Testing in and Around Rock Art Ranch, Northeastern Arizona. In Comings and Goings: 13,000 Years of Migrations In and Around Rock Art Ranch, Northeastern Arizona, edited by E. Charles Adams and Richard C. Lange, pp. 83­–201. The Arizona Archaeologist No. 45. Arizona Archaeological Society, Phoenix, AZ. 

Colin Grier

2023 Social Change and the Construction of Landscapes in the Salish Sea. In Complex Fisher-Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology in North America, edited by Christina Perry Sampson, pp. 22-56. University of Florida Press.

Martindale, Andrew, William T.D. Wadsworth, Eric Simons, Brian Whiting and Colin Grier

2023 The Challenges of Signal Interpretation of Burials in Ground-penetrating Radar. Archaeological Prospection DOI: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/arp.1920

Rachel A. Horowitz

2023 Reevaluating Obsidian Exchange and Production in the Postclassic K’iche’ Maya World. Latin American Antiquity, online first https://doi.org/10.1017/laq.2022.79 

Horowitz, Rachel A., M. Kathryn Brown, Jason Yaeger, and Bernadette Cap

2023 Watery Underworld Symbolism and the Development of Political Authority in the Mopan  

Valley, Belize. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 18: 143-152.  

Brown, M. Kathryn and Rachel A. Horowitz

2023 New Evidence of Ancestor Veneration at the Site of Las Ruinas de Arenal. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 18. 

Tim Kohler

Scheffer, Marten, Egbert H. van Nes, Luke Kemp, Timothy A. Kohler, Timothy M. Lenton and Chi Xu.

2023 Vulnerability of Aging States, a survival analysis across pre-modern societies. PNAS 120(48) :e2218834120. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2218834120

Kohler, Timothy A., Darcy Bird, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Kelsey Reese, and Andrew Gillreath-Brown  

2023 Wealth inequality in the prehispanic northern US Southwest: from Malthus to Tyche.  PTRSB 20220298. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2022.0298.

Courtney Meehan

Holdsworth EA, Williams JE, Pace RM, Lane AA, Gartstein M, McGuire MA, McGuire MK, Meehan CL.

2023 Breastfeeding patterns are associated with human milk microbiome composition: The Mother-Infant Microbiomes, Behavior, and Ecology Study (MIMBES). PloS one, 18(8), e0287839.

Caffé B, Blackwell A, Fehrenkamp BD, Williams JE, Pace RM, Lackey KA, Ruiz L, Rodríguez JM, McGuire MA, Meehan CL, Foster JA, Sellen DW.

2023 Human milk immune factors, maternal nutritional status, and infant sex: The INSPIRE study. American Journal of Human Biology, e23943.

Helfrecht C, Wang H, Dira SJ, DeAvila D, Meehan CL.

2023 DHEAS and nutritional status among Sidama, Ngandu, and Aka children: Effects of cortisol and implications for adrenarche. American Journal of Human Biology, e23881.

Caroline Owens

Caroline Owens, Miranda Cook, Joy Goetz, Leslie Marshburn, Kathy Taylor, Stacie Schmidt, Jada Bussey-Jones, Rosette J. Chakkalakal   

2023 Food is medicine intervention shows promise for engaging patients attending a safety-net hospital in the Southeast United States. Public Health and Nutrition. Volume 11 – 2023 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1251912

Owens, C., & Hadley, C.

2023 Subjective social status and mental health among adolescents in Ethiopia: Evidence from a panel study. SSM- Population Health, 22, 101382.

Belak, L., Owens, C., Smith, M. et al.

2022 The impact of medically tailored meals and nutrition therapy on biometric and dietary outcomes among food-insecure patients with congestive heart failure: a matched cohort study. BMC Nutrition, 8, 108.

Owens, C., Weaver, L. J., Kaiser, B. N., Kalk, T., Tesema, F., Tessema, F., & Hadley, C.

2022 Context Matters for Food Security: Multi-Sited Evidence of Shared Cultural Models of Food Consumption. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 61(2), 162-181.  

Ocobock, C., Owens, C., Holdsworth, E., Gildner, T., & Lynn, C.

2022 # Hackademics: Hacks toward success in academia. American Journal of Human Biology, 34, e23653.

Weaver, L. J., Owens, C., Tessema, F., Kebede, A., & Hadley, C.

2021 Unpacking the “black box” of global food insecurity and mental health. Social Science & Medicine, 282, 114042.

Anne Pisor

Pisor, A.C., Borgerhoff Mulder, M., & Smith, K.M.

2023 The impacts of long-distance relationships on natural resource management. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0269

Pisor, A.C., Lansing, J.S., & Magargal, K.

2023 Climate change adaptation needs a science of culture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, 378(1889). doi: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0390

Lightner, A.L., Pisor, A.C., & Hagen, E.H.

2023 In need-based sharing, sharing is more important than need. Evolution & Human Behavior, 44(5), 474-484. doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2023.02.010. Data and code.

Smith, K.M., Pisor, A.C., Aron, B., Bernard, K., Fimbo, P., Kimesera, R., Borgerhoff Mulder, M.

2023 Friends near and afar, through thick and thin: Comparing contingency of help between close- and long-distance friends in Tanzanian fishing villages. Evolution & Human Behavior, 44(5), 454-465. doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2022.09.004. Data and code.

Ross, C.T., Hooper, P., Smith, J.E., Jaeggi, A.V., Smith, E.A., Gavrilets, S., [32 authors], Pisor, A., [64 authors], Borgerhoff Mulder, M.

2023 Reproductive inequality in humans and other mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(22), e2220124120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2220124120

Emily Van Alst

2023 (Re)writing and (Re)beading: Understanding Indigenous Women’s Roles in the Creation of Indigenous Futurisms in The Routledge Handbook of CoFuturisms. Routledge, New York.

2023 Van Alst, Emily C. and Pyburn, K. Anne. Ethics and Ethical Codes in The Oxford Handbook of Global Indigenous Archaeologies. Oxford University Press.